How to know to be most essential resources mobile app development for AR

When developing an AR mobile app, you will need a framework to provide the core functionality and features of AR, such as tracking, rendering, and interaction. Popular frameworks include ARKit for iOS and iPadOS devices, ARCore for Android devices, Vuforia for cross-platform apps, and WebXR for web-based apps.

Each of these frameworks offer unique features such as face tracking, image recognition, plane detection, object anchoring, environmental understanding, motion tracking, light estimation, image and object recognition, marker recognition, cloud-based services, hit testing, ray casting and session management.

For me, one of the most exciting developments is location- or time-based augmented reality. Cultural events, exhibition halls or even sporting events gain an informative level. I’m very excited to see how Snap’s development continues.

The app is widely used and the tools are ready for use. I highly recommend taking a look at the latest developments in “City Scale AR”. Location-based playout of content through comparison with GPS data. Unfortunately, this can only be used in three cities worldwide so far. I’m really looking forward to when the function can be used worldwide.

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